89th Legislative Session - Committee Hearings & Updates

Committee on Pensions, Investments & Financial Services: ERS Pension Update
House Committee on Appropriations: Carroll Fuchs testifies for a 13th Check
House Committee on Appropriations: Ray Hymel testifies for a state pay raises
House Committee on Appropriations: ERS' Porter Wilson - 13th Check needs
Senate Committee on Finance: Ray Hymel testifies for state agencies
Senate Committee on Finance: Ann Bishop testifies about turnover
Senate Committee on Finance: Carroll Fuchs testifies on behalf of ERS retirees
Senate Committee on Finance: Ann Bishop testifies for salary increase

TPEA Testifies at the Joint Budget Hearings for Agency Specific Pay Raises (2024)

Joint Budget Hearings: Texas Department of Insurance
Joint Budget Hearings: Office of Public Utilities Counsel
Joint Budget Hearings: Board of Pharmacy
Joint Budget Hearings: Council of Physical & Occupational Therapy Examiners
Joint Budget Hearings: State Preservation Board & Commission on the Arts
Joint Budget Hearings: Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas
Joint Budget Hearings: State Securities Board
Joint Budget Hearings: Board of Plumbing Examiners
Joint Budget Hearings: State Office of Admin. Hearings
Joint Budget Hearings: Court of Criminal Appeals
Joint Budget Hearings: Office of State Prosecuting Attorney
Joint Budget Hearings: The Office of Capital Forensic Writs
Joint Budget Hearings: State Commission on Judicial Conduct
Joint Budget Hearings: Commission on Law Enforcement

Every two years, the Legislature determines your fate. Are you represented?

Founded in 1946 by dedicated state employees, the Texas Public Employees Association (TPEA) has advocated for almost 80 years to promote and enhance the compensation and quality benefits provided to state employees and retirees—the benefits that make it possible for Texans to devote themselves to careers in public service.

For state employees and retirees, the Legislature determines everything from pay scale, pay raises to pensions and other benefits such as health insurance, holiday hours, and even remote work. Every session brings changes that could affect state employees and retirees. When you are a TPEA member, you support a nonprofit organization focused on your interests today and into the future. TPEA works for our members -- and with more members, we have more power to represent you. Invest in yourself today. Become a TPEA member and make your voice count.

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Our Mission 

Is to preserve and enhance fair salaries and meaningful benefits for State of Texas employees and retirees.

Our Vision

Is for all State of Texas employees and retirees are respected and properly compensated for their dedicated service.