Targeted Pay Raises 2025

Texas 89th Legislative Session

Targeted Pay Raises - 2025

What is it?

Similar to last session, our goal is to request an across-the-board pay raises for all state employees, however, Targeted Pay Raises are distinct from across-the-board pay raises because they impact a specific, limited group of state employees. The Legislature has implemented targeted pay raises to enhance retention in high-turnover roles and to ensure that salaries for state agency positions remain competitive with similar roles in the relevant labor market.

When agency directors ask TPEA to support their targeted salary proposals, we add a credible voice using data, increasing the chances of success. 

Are you represented?

Targeted Salary Requests by Agency

Here is the latest information we have.  (** We will update the information as quickly as we can, so please check back regularly for the latest status.)

Agency 201 
Supreme Court of Texas
Recommendations - Senate:
  • Funding for salary adjustment to all Deputy Clerk positions.
Items Not Included -  Senate:
  • Funding to provide an across-the-board 6% salary increase for non-judicial staff.
Agency 211
Court of Criminal Appeals
Recommendations - Senate & House:
  • General Revenue increase to provide a salary adjustment to all Deputy Clerk positions.
 Items Not Included - Senate:
  • Funding to provide an across-the-board 6% salary increase for non-judicial staff.
Agency 212 Office of Court Administration  
Recommendations - Senate:
  • None
 Items Not Included - Senate or House:
  • Funding to provide an across-the-board 6% salary increase for non-judicial staff.
Agency 213
Office of the State Prosecuting Attorney
Recommendation - Senate & House:
  • Includes funding for State Prosecutor Attorney’s salary under the tiered, tenure-based compensation structure.
Items Not Included - Senate or House:
  • Funding to provide an across-the-board 6% salary increase for non-judicial staff.
Agency 215
Office of Capital and Forensic Writs
Items Not Included - Senate or House:
  • Funding to provide an across-the-board 6% salary increase for non-judicial staff.   
Agency 242 State Commission on Judicial Conduct  
Recommendation - Senate:
  • Includes salary increases for all staff, including the Executive Director and one vacant attorney position.
  • Recommendations increase the salaries of all filled attorney positions to a minimum of $120,000 to assist the agency with recruiting and retaining qualified candidates to assist in reducing the complaint backlog and resolving complaints within the deadline.
Items Not Included - Senate:
  • Recommendations do not include $40,000 each fiscal year to increase the salary of one vacant attorney position that was provided by the enactment of HB 367, Eighty-eighth Legislature, Regular Session, 2023. 
Agency 243
State Law Library
Items Not Included - Senate:
  • Funding to provide an across-the-board 6% salary increase for non-judicial staff.
Agency 302
Office of the Attorney General
Items Not Included in Recommendations - Senate or House:
  • Child Support Enforcement Salary Limitation. Deletion of Rider 34, which requires LBB approval for salary increases in Strategy B.1.1, child support enforcement, over 2% in each fiscal year.
  • Salary Increases for OAG Staff. The funding will cover a 6% pay raise in each of the 2026 and 2027 fiscal years.
Agency 303
Facilities Commission
Items Not Included in Recommendations - Senate or House:
  • Authority to increase the salary of the Executive Director position to the maximum salary allowable in its Group.
Agency 304
Comptroller of Public Accounts
Items Not Included in Recommendations - Senate:
  • Request for funding to support salary costs of unfilled positions in unclaimed property, audit, revenue accounting, tax policy, historically underutilized businesses, and statewide fiscal areas.
Agency 306
Library Archives Commission
Items Not Included in Recommendations - Senate or House:
  • Request to increase staff salaries for employees at or below $20/hour (up to 10%).
Agency 307
Secretary of State
Items Not Included in Recommendations - Senate or House:
  • Funding for retention of government filings staff.
Agency 312
Securities Board
Items Not Included in Recommendations - Senate or House:
  • General Revenue funding to recover lapsed appropriations for prior fiscal years to fund current staff salaries and efforts to retain experienced staff.
  • Authority to increase the Security Commissioner’s annual salary by $49,202 from $177,836 with Group 5 to $227,038 with Group 6.
  • General Revenue funding to establish reserve funds to be used in the event of staff departure to pay lump sum termination payments.
Agency 338
Pension Review Board
Recommendations - Senate & House:
  • Funding to bring the staff actuary salary closer to market value, bring other salaries up to the government average and increase other salaries based on performance.
  • Funding for the exempt position salary. Increase the Executive Director salary cap from $149,240 to $170,000 and increase the salary group from 3 to 4.
Agency 347
Public Finance Authority
Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate or House:
  • 5% merit pool increase to staff.
  • Request to increase the exempt position salary from $230,000 to $260,000.
Agency 352
Bond Review Board
Items not included in Recommendations - Senate or House:
  • Merit-based pay increases to attract and maintain classified positions.
Agency 356
Texas Ethics Commission
Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate or House:
  • Agency requests to reclassify the Executive Director position from Group 4 to Group 5 and increase the annual salary from $37,396 to $190,000.
  • Increase the salary of the General Counsel by $31,000 to $175,000.
Agency 359
Office of Public Insurance Counsel
Items not included in Recommendations – Senate:
  • General Revenue funding to provide salary increases for actuarial, legal, and form review staff.
  • General Revenue funding to provide a salary supplement to the Deputy Public Counsel vacant position to attract more candidates to the job posting.
  • General Revenue funding to increase the Public Counsel exempt position's salary from $165,000 to $185,000 in fiscal years 2026 and 2027 and increase the position's salary group from Group 4 to Group 5. $40,000 $40,000 0.0 No No $40,000 2) General Revenue and GR-Dedicated funding for a 10 percent salary increase for all agency positions.
Agency 360
State Office of Administrative Hearings
Items not included in Recommendations – Senate:
  • Funding to raise salaries of ALJs and support staff to equivalent levels at comparable state agencies.
  • Funding to establish differentials in salary between the four statutorily required levels of ALJ.
  • Funding to increase the authorized annual salary of the Chief ALJ exempt position by approximately 25% and to move the position from Salary Group 5 to Salary Group 7 to bring the position's salary in line with those of peer employees at comparable agencies.
Agency 401
Military Department
Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate or House:
  • Increase the authorized salary for the Adjutant General position to an amount not to exceed $290,000 in Group 8.
Agency 405
Department of Public Safety
Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate or House:
  • Salary increases for Non-commissioned Staff to improve retention.
Agency 407
Commission on Law Enforcement
Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate or House:
  • Funding to provide salary increases for commissioned and non-commissioned employees.
Agency 409
Commission on Jail Standards
Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate or House:
  • Funding to provide salary increases for targeted positions that have high turnover.
  • The agency is requesting to increase the salary cap from $127,619 to $134,000 in Group 3.
Agency 411
Commission on Fire Protection
Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate or House:
  • Funding to provide salary adjustments to existing FTEs.
  • The agency requests funding and authority to increase the salary of their Executive Director to an annual amount not to exceed $197,415 in Group 5.
Agency 452
Department of Licensing and Regulations
Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate
  • Funding to supply the FCIC with salary increases.
Agency 454
Department of Insurance
Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate
  • Funding for salary increases for legal, actuarial, and support positions to improve recruitment and retention.
  • Funding for salary increases for administrative law judge positions within the Division of Workers' Compensation (DWC).
  • Funding for salary increases to SFMO investigators and reclassify them as Schedule C employees.
Agency 456
Board of Plumbing Examiners
Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate or House:
  • General Revenue funding to provide for a salary increase of approximately 10% to maintain competitive market wages with private businesses and state agencies.
  • General Revenue funding to increase the Executive Director position’s salary from $129,377 to $152,000 in fiscal year 2026 and $167,000 in fiscal year 2027. This includes a request to increase the position’s salary cap from $129,377 in Group 3 to $171,699 in Group 4.
Agency 458
Alcoholic Beverage Commission
Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate or House:
  • Funding to compensate experienced peace officers under Salary Classification C.
  • Funding for Salary increases for employees under Indirect Administration.
  • Request to add a rider to allow the agency to determine an enforcement agent’s salary under Salary Classification Schedule C based on 4 years of prior experience.
Agency 475
Office of Public Utility Counsel
Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate or House:
  • General Revenue and GR-Dedicated funding for a 10 percent salary increase for all agency positions.
  • General Revenue funding to increase the Public Counsel exempt position’s salary from $165,000 to $185,000 in fiscal years 2026 and 2027 and increase the position’s salary group from Group 4 to Group 5.
Agency 476
Racing Commission
Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate
  • New Rider, to authorize the Racing Commission to pay its peace officer personnel in the Schedule C classification schedule.
  • Calculating the officer’s salary under Salary Classification Schedule C.
  • General Revenue Funds ($55,000 each fiscal year) to increase the Executive Director exempt salary within Group 5, for an annual amount not to exceed $197,415.
Agency 477
Commission on State Emergency Communications
Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate
  • Group change for Executive Director position from Group 4 to 5. Also, an increase in the salary cap from $171,688 to the max amount of Group 5 ($197,415).
Agency 503
Texas Medical Board
Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate
  • General Revenue funding to provide the Executive Director exempt position with a salary raise of $78,726 in fiscal year 2026 and $82,662 in fiscal year 2027 if the requested amendments to Rider 3, Salary Supplementation.
  • General Revenue funding to provide salary adjustments for all staff to improve recruitment and retention.
  • General Revenue funding for lump sum annual leave payments due to anticipated turnover and increased amounts of retirement-eligible staff.
Agency 504
Board of Dental Examiners
Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate or House:
  • Funding for a ten percent salary adjustment for all eligible staff to provide more competitive packages to increase staff retention and reduce turnover.
  • Funding and authority to increase the Executive Director salary from $147,867 to $171,688, an increase of $29,821 moving from Group 3 to Group 4, to align compensation with market averages and increase the ability to recruit, retain, and reward qualified individuals.
Agency 507
Texas Board of Nursing
Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate
  • Request for authority to increase the Executive Director salary cap from $171,547 to $197,415, an annual increase of $25,868, within Group 5.
Agency 508
Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate
  • Funding to increase staff salaries to support staff recruitment and retention.
  • Request for General Revenue appropriations and authority to increase the Executive Director salary from $108,720 to $120,000 within Group 2, an increase of $11,280, to increase the ability to recruit and retain a qualified individual.
Agency 513
Funeral Service Commission
Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate or House:
  • General Revenue funding to increase the annual authorized salary amount for the Executive Director position from $107,948 in Group 2 to $149,240 in Group 3 in FY 2026 and then to $165,000 in Group IV in fiscal year 2027.
  • General Revenue funding to increase compensation for agency staff.
Agency 515

Board of Pharmacy

Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate
  • Funding to provide equity and merit salary increases, citing turnover and retention issues.
  • Request General Revenue appropriations and authority to increase the Executive Director salary cap by $25,000 annually plus benefits, from $156,336 to $181,336 (from Group 4 to Group 5).
Agency 529
Health and Human Services Commission
Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate or House:
  • OIG – Improve Employee Recruitment and Retention funding
  • OIG – Pay OIG Peace Officers According to Schedule C.
  • TCCO – High Risk Pay.
Agency 530
Department of Family and Protective Services
Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate
  • Funding to stabilize and retain workforce.
 Agency 533
 Executive Council of Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy Examiners
Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate or House:
  • General Revenue funding to provide competitive salaries to retain current staff and to fund anticipated lump sum termination payments.
  • Authority to increase the authorized salary amount for the Executive Director position from $116,508 to $129,765 within Salary Group 2.
Agency 578
Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners
Items Not Included in Recommendations - Senate or House:
  • General Revenue to adjust agency staff salaries so that all staff are at the midpoint of their classification salary range
  • General Revenue and authority to raise the Executive Director salary cap from $120,740 to $129,765.
Agency 644
Juvenile Justice Department
Recommendations - Senate & House:
  • An increase in salaries for Juvenile Correctional Officers and Local Juvenile Probation staff.
Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate or House:
  • UTMB nurse pay to align salaries with their peers at TDCJ.
  • OIG Funding for placing OIG peace officers on Schedule C.
Agency 696
Department of Criminal Justice
Recommendations - Senate & House:
  • Correctional Officer Pay Increase – an increase to provide a 10% pay increase to correctional staff.
  • Parole Officer Pay Increase – to provide a 15% pay increase to parole officers, the TX Department of Criminal Justice, and the Board of Pardons and Paroles.
Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate or House:
  • Targeted Salary Adjustments. The agency requests an average 17% salary increase for all other staff
  • Request to fund several staff retention initiatives.
  • Request to fund a 10% salary increase for CSCD staff.
  • Board of Pardons and Paroles – Requests to the General Revenue funds to provide targeted salary increases to non-parole officer FTEs.
  • Board of Pardons and Paroles – Reclassification for Exempt Employees. The Chair's salary is to be increased from $194,371 to $220,000, and Board members are to be increased from $137,813 to $155,000.
Agency 808
Historical Commission
Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate or House:
  • Targeted salary increases of 10% for Architects and 5% for Archeologists and Purchasers.
Agency 813
Commission on the Arts
Items Not Included in Recommendations – Senate or House:
  • Staff Retention Efforts. Request for additional funding for salaries for staff retention.

TPEA Was Founded by State of Texas Employees in 1946

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Did you know every two years, the Legislature determines your pay raises, pensions & healthcare benefits?

As a State of Texas employee, you recognize your crucial role. That is why you created TPEA. Having TPEA on your side means ensuring you're valued and fairly compensated properly for your dedication with the appropriate salaries, raises, pension benefits, and health insurance.
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“I’ve been a TPEA member for a long time. TPEA is a recognized and respected resource our legislators rely on to make informed decisions about state employee benefits. One of the most effective things TPEA does is present sensible solutions that they can easily support. That approach benefits active employees and retirees alike, and those of us contemplating retirement soon should applaud TPEA for their leadership in preserving full benefits."

Jon_DeWitt, TxDOT

John DeWitt

Director of Planning & Development | TxDOT

“As a state employee, it's so beneficial to have a non-partisan, non-union association looking out for our best interest. I've seen the mission of TPEA firsthand in action, and how they've been able to support us by working to ensure our state benefits are protected. They support us as current employees and into retirement."


Tim Fitzpatrick

Director III for Classification & Records | TDCJ

“I’m a member of TPEA because they continuously keep me in the loop with issues that impact me. TPEA staff is advocating for state employees and retirees daily – and they connect us with a ton of resources, including an easy way to reach out to my state representatives. On top of all this – they provide some great benefits! They are the only association that fights for all state employees and retirees."


Julie Beaubien

Public Involvement Section Team Lead | TxDOT

I relied on TPEA for years regarding information about changes in our benefits and what’s going on in the Legislature. Then, I decided to become a member and eventually volunteer so that I could help advocate for myself. The advocacy helped get our recent state raises. TPEA showed up to over 50 hearings to get the across the board pay raises. And they fight for our benefits like keeping premiums low. TPEA fights for employees, they fight for us."


Kerrie Summerfield

Budget Team Lead | Texas Education Agency

I think state employees should be a part of TPEA because they help all state employees, like they did with getting us two across-the-board pay raises. TPEA also helps us into retirement as they advocate for our pensions, stabilizing the funds, and other benefits too. We should all join because it’s not just helping ourselves but each other too."


Jimmy Teal

Waco District Railroad Coordinator | TxDOT

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